
  • Seeking information about use of health information technology impacting patients and families

    Important changes will be happening in the field of health information technology in the near future that will have a direct impact on patients and families.


    IPFCC is interested to know if your hospital or health system has:

    • A PFAC (or PFAC subcommittee) focused on HIT (Health Information Technology)?
    • PFA Members on the HIT Committee?
    • A FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource) Implementation Committee or a PFAC focused on FHIR Implementation?
    • (FHIR is the software platform that will be used to solve the interoperability between electronic health records and create an application programming interface (API) between different electronic health records. APIs will also be used to create disease specific apps for patients and families.)
    • PFAs on the OpenNotes Implementation Team?
    • If there is no HIT PFAC or subcommittee, has the existing PFAC has done focused work on HIT issues in partnership with the health system?
